…and 365 days after that

Hello again, internet.

It’s been awhile.  Exactly one year since my last blog post; which, in turn, was about a year and a half after the post before that.

My life took many sudden and significant turns over the past few years.  Unfortunately, that led to the neglect and abandonment of this blog.

But I think it’s time for a new start.

I’m finally seeing a therapist for my depression and anxiety.  I’m the aunt to an incredible little toddler.  I’m dating an amazing woman who makes me want to be a better person.  I have a good job in a great city.  I feel more like “me” than I have in a long while.

Sure, there are many things with which I am still struggling; but for the most part, things in my life have become much more stable and trending towards some semblance of happiness.  So I am using this opportunity to further push myself to be better.

I want to challenge myself.

I want to reinvigorate my faith.

I want to learn more about the things that intrigue me.

I want to get back into writing more regularly.

I want to explore and enjoy more of what life has to offer.

I want to further delve into what makes me “me,” and how I can share the unique aspects of myself with others who might appreciate them.


While I haven’t quite figured out what the rebirth of this blog will ultimately be, I’m excited to tap into whatever comes from it.

The tagline of this blog reads:

Life. Faith. Imagination. Geekery.

I’m sure I’ll be writing about many of the same types of things I wrote about when I started blogging, since many of those topics still interest me.  But I have also grown and changed over the past few years.

My hope is that through this blog, I can capture some of that continued growth and change in the days to come.  That doesn’t mean that there won’t be a lot of fun and silliness along the way; I live for fun and silliness.  But life is a curious, surprising, ever-changing, incredible thing; I hope to capture even just the barest sliver of that as I share with you all here.

Thanks for joining me along the journey.

Much love,

Wise the Simple


577 days later…

Hello, internet.

It’s been 577 days since my last blog post.  Here’s what has happened since then…

  • I got pretty involved with the indie comics scene, connected with some awesome creators, and had a few short one-shots I wrote get published in some small press anthologies.  I really love writing comic scripts and collaborating with artists, colorists, and letterers.  Just a really fun medium to work in.
  • I also started a few other creative projects which, sadly, didn’t come to fruition for one reason or another.  These projects included co-writing a few long-form comic series, joining the “writer’s room” for an audio drama podcast, and landing some small voice acting gigs.  I still have hopes that a few of these will work out, but 2016 seemed to be a rough year for almost everyone.
  • My job situation got to be pretty stressful, resulting in 12+ hour workdays.  That, plus a growing sense of loneliness after living on my own in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, pushed me to start looking for a new job.
  • In June 2016, I came to terms with the fact that I was queer and sank into a months-long depression as I agonized over how my family would respond.
  • I spent most of my free time on a LGBT+ internet forums finding support, making friends, and exploring what it meant for me to be queer yet Christian.
  • I came out as bisexual to my older sister (and brother-in-law) on August 13th, to my brother on September 5th, and to my parents on September 11th.
  • One of the aforementioned internet friendships became my first full-fledged relationship (albeit a long distance one) as I fell for a woman who lived 2,000 miles away.  She supported me through my awful work situation and as I navigated what it meant for me to be out to my family; and I supported her as she struggled with gender dysphoria and the loss of a dear friend from suicide.
  • My uncle passed away.
  • My grandma passed away.
  • My niece was born and I became a first-time aunt.
  • I visited my girlfriend on two separate week-long trips — once in March and again in May.
  • I got a new job in a different city, so I ended up buying and moving into a new house with my sister, brother-in-law, and newborn niece.
  • My girlfriend and I broke up two weeks after I had moved and three weeks before she left for a life-changing surgery out of the country.  We ended things on good terms and with the intention of remaining friends; we still had love for each other, but ultimately wanted different things in life.  But unfortunately, that didn’t spare me from the utter heartbreak at the loss of what we had.
  • I am slowly creeping out of my introvert cave, exploring what this new city has to offer, and feeling a bit more free to live as myself.

All in all, the past year and a half has been an absolute rollercoaster.  There have been amazing highs and devastating lows.  But, hey, that’s life, isn’t it?

It feels good to be back.  I hope to return to posting somewhat frequently, now that things seem to be settling down.

Here’s to the next 577 days!  They may bring joy, they may bring pain; but whatever may come, I’ll just keep moving forward…

Singing the Praises of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Heyyyyyy… Remember when I made a New Year’s Resolution to write up at least one blog post per week and then didn’t put one up in the first week after said resolution was made??  Classic! 😛

At any rate, this past Sunday night was the Golden Globes ceremony.  I don’t put much stock into awards shows, and Sunday’s fare was pretty boring, in my opinion. But I did get super excited when Rachel Bloom won Best Actress in a Television Series Musical/Comedy for her work on The CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!


Crazy-Ex Girlfriend is a strange little show that seems to have flown underneath most people’s radars since its debut last fall.  Bloom –who co-created the show along with The Devil Wears Prada writer, Aline Brosh McKenna — stars as Rebecca Bunch, a New York lawyer who struggles with depression and a sense of unfulfillment in life despite her successful career.  When she randomly runs into an old childhood sweetheart named Josh Chan (played by Vincent Rodriguez III), she impulsively decides to move to his hometown of West Covina, California.  …But not because Josh lives there!  It’s totally just a coincidence.  Yeah…

Continue reading

Wise the Simple’s Writing Resolutions for 2016!


In 2016, I resolve to…

1. Write 22 comic pages per month

Over the past few months, I’ve been learning the art of writing comic book scripts.  I’m currently working with a writing partner and artist (the collaborative project I alluded to back in August) on an original series that we hope to shop around and/or crowdfund sometime next year, as well as a few scripts on my own.

In my early career as an indie comic creator, one great resource has been /r/ComicBookCollabs on Reddit.  The subreddit moderator there posed 22 pages a month as the New Year’s Resolution challenge to the community.  22 pages is the length of an average issue, so fulfilling this task would be comparable to the work one would do on a monthly comic.

I’ve really enjoyed writing comic scripts so far.  As far as resolutions go, this one is great in that I’m actually excited and raring to start!  Should be a fun way to get into a monthly comic mindset, especially with the community accountability through /r/ComicBookCollabs.

2. Write (at least) one blog post per week

I know, I know.  I’m terrible at keeping a steady blog schedule.  Some months I’ll post a bunch, and then I’ll disappear for weeks at a time.   The worst.

So we’ll keep it simple: One blog post a week.  That should be manageable, right?

3. Write “something” every single day

As someone who fancies herself a writer, I’m not very good about writing.  Sure, I do a lot of brainstorming and note-taking and researching and planning.  But the actual creation of content?  The actual sit-down-and-write-ing of it all?  I’m pretty bad at doing that daily.

So, in 2016, I resolve to write “something” every day.  Be it a blog post, a prose piece, a comic script… whatever — I resolve to write every. single. day.

4. Produce and/or share something

The thing about resolutions is that they’re useless without accountability.  I could very well promise to do all of these things and let them slide without anyone knowing.  Especially since (apart from this blog and short responses to prompts on Reddit) I am unpublished as a writer.

So instead of hiding away due to fear of being inadequate, I’m going to start sharing my creations with the public.  While I have high hopes for the comic project I am working on with the aforementioned team, I’ll probably start producing content on my own before that gets off the ground.

Haven’t quite figured out how I want to start sharing content yet.  Current thoughts are: submitting short prose pieces and/or comic scripts to online publishers or anthologies with open submissions, writing and producing a low-budget audio-drama, or making a webcomic with my mediocre art skills.  I have already started working on all of these possibilities (my fear of inadequacy has not yet overcome the early stage of creative optimism), and hope to get “something” out as an example of my work within the next year.  There’s a high probability that many of these ideas will crash and burn (e.g., while I’ve done some amateur voice acting, I know next to nothing about sound production, so the audio drama thing may be a complete pipe-dream without garnering a lot of extra help), but they all really interest me & pique my creative spirit.  So I’ll keep exploring all my options until something sticks.  If all else fails, I may just start posting short fiction here on the blog.  Guess we’ll see!

5. Read more

I’ve always believed in the idea that to be a creator of good content, you should also be a consumer of it.  This year, I watched a lot of television and movies, listened to a lot of podcasts, and (in the latter months) read quite a few comics.  The amount of book reading I did, however, was unfortunately rather slim.

Books were my first love.  They were my gateway to imagination and creativity, and it saddens me to realize how few novels I actually finished this year.  I constantly buy books; my shelf overflows with each addition to my To-Read list.  I hope this next year I can put a dent in that list.

I’ve really delved into reading comic books this past year, which has been a blast.  I’m currently into a lot of Image and Marvel titles (and signed up for Marvel Unlimited, which is awesome), and hope to read more indie & DC series next year as well.

Since I’m newish to the whole scene, I’ve basically been binging on comic books, and don’t see me slowing down anytime soon.  So I don’t think I’ll put a benchmark goal on that.  In regards to prose novels though… maybe a book a month?  That should be manageable, right?  I know many people put their reading goals way above that, but given the amount of writing I hope to do and my propensity for procrastinating/making poor use of my time, I’ll set the bar at a lower, more reasonable setting for me personally.

So, those are my writing resolutions for 2016!

Hopefully this blog will keep me accountable.  I’ll try to check in every once and awhile to let you know how things are going 🙂 How about you?  Any writing-centric New Year’s Resolutions?  Let me know in the comments!

Happy New Year! 😀


PSA: The First 4 Episodes of The Expanse are Online NOW!


You heard that right, folks.  The first FOUR episodes of Syfy’s The Expanse are now available for streaming on Syfy.com!

Some theorize that the episodes are now being released officially by Syfy in response to them being accidentally leaked early on Comcast.  So that’s kind of a shame.  But on the other hand, this might lead to an early swell in viewership, creating a steady fanbase right off the bat.

But whatever.  The important thing now is that they’re here.  I’ve been looking forward to this series ever since I picked up the first book last year, and really loved the pilot episode.  Can’t wait to see the rest of it!

Now if you will excuse me, I’m off to binge-watch! 😀



A Post-Thanksgiving Ramble

Hello all!  My brain is still in vacation-mode coming off of Thanksgiving, so I’ve yet to regain any motivation to write a “real” blog post this week.  I’ll try to put something out in the next few days, but until then, here are some stream-of-consciousness rambles about my extended holiday weekend:

  • I had a wonderful Thanksgiving (and hope you did too!)  Had dinner at my cousin’s place, watched the Bears-Packers game (As a born and raised Cheesehead, it was pretty depressing), and played some Bang! and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.  Overall, it was a great time with my immediate & extended family.  I love them all dearly and was happy to spend time with them all on Thursday!
  • For the next few days, I stayed over at my brother’s apartment in Chicago.  We watched movies, played Rock Band 4, and just lazed around.  It was fantastic 🙂
  • While my brother played DOTA 2 at various points throughout the weekend, I read through several Image comics I had picked up recently:
    • Lazarus (Vol 1-3) – I had only recently heard of Lazarus, but it had been highly recommended and sounded to be right up my alley.  And boy is it!  I’m still very much a comics noob, but this series is already one of my faves.  The worldbuilding is just so great.  I’ll probably do a review of the series thus far after the fourth trade comes out in January as that book will finish up the first main story arc.
    • Saga (Vol 1-3) – I re-read Volumes 1 & 2 to read Volume 3 since it had been awhile since I first picked them up.  Saga is all the rage right now, and justifiably so.  Everything about it is fantastic.  I’ve been taking my time reading this series since I’m so far behind and a trade-waiter anyway 🙂  Can’t wait to get my hands on Volumes 4 and 5.
    • I Kill Giants – I picked up this graphic novel at the recommendation of the Image Comics subreddit. (I haven’t posted anything on that thread.  But nice try, would-be cyberstalkers!  😛 ) I didn’t know what to expect going in, but I definitely enjoyed it.  A truly unique and interesting read.

Forever Carlyle from Lazarus  (Art by Michael Lark.  via Greg Rucka’s blog)

  • My siblings, cousins, and some friends have our own Turkey Bowl each Thanksgiving weekend.  We’re all pretty out of shape, but it’s still a lot of fun.  We played on Sunday morning, and as of today (Thursday morning), my leg muscles are still kind of sore.  I seriously need to exercise more 😛
  • Saw two movies in theaters this weekend and both were fairly disappointing.
    • The Good Dinosaur – As far as Pixar films go, this was one of their weakest entries.  It all just seemed so rote and color-by-numbers.  There was apparently a lot of trouble behind the scenes during the movie’s production, and it shows.  Though it tries really hard to convince you that it does, the film just doesn’t have that Pixar heart.  On the positive side, the visuals were stunning, and I liked the hints of the western frontier theme.  Now I wish they had doubled down on that and made a cowboy dinosaur movie.  At least that would’ve been something new instead of the bland film we got instead.
    • The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 – aka Speeches: The Movie.  I swear, at least a third of this movie was spent by characters pontificating.  I remember enjoying Part 1, but haven’t rewatched it since.  Still, I imagine Part 2‘s failings could’ve been avoided by keeping Mockingjay as a single film.  But them’s the breaks.  Definitely the weakest of the series, which is a shame since it ended the movie franchise on a low note.
  • Watched the early-released pilot episode of The Expanse and loved it!  I’ll write up a formal review when the show formally debuts on SyFy in a few weeks.  But I just wanted to say that the show does not disappoint.  I loved Leviathan Wakesand the television adaptation seems incredibly faithful and very well produced.  (Also, they included a Belter version of Tighten Up by The Black Keys.  Amazing.)
  • I ate sushi twice this weekend.  I love sushi 🙂

Now I’m back at work, and with this post, gradually easing back into writing.  Alongside making progress on some other creative endeavors, I hope to get some more blog posts out by week’s end.  So until then… See you, space cowboys!


Have a blessed Thanksgiving, everyone!


Psalm 95: 1-7a
(English Standard Version)
Let Us Sing Songs of Praise

1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
3 For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
7 For he is our God,
and we are the people of his pasture,
and the sheep of his hand.

Jessica Jones Binge-Watch & Blog-Along (Part Five: Ep 13 & Post-Mortem)

Well, it’s official.  I survived my Jessica Jones marathon.  I started at 4 am Friday, November 20th and finished around 1:30 am Saturday, November 21st.  Considering I took time to write a blog snippet after each episode and took breaks to run errands, eat meals, etc., I made pretty good time!  Still counts as a #OneDayJJ success 😉

But enough patting myself on the back.  Let’s get to the good stuff…

Welcome to the the fifth and final part of the Jessica Jones Binge-Watch and Blog-Along!  This post will cover Episode 13 and some thoughts on the series as a whole. You can find reviews & reactions to previous episodes in Parts One, Two, Three, and Four.

Warning: Spoilers below!  (Also contains mild spoilers & discussion for the Jessica Jones comic, Alias.  Ye be warned!)

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